Want to become a member? Sign up online by filling out the form below. We accept all major credit cards via PayPal. Membership is only $25, and lasts from now until the start of the next season (01/01). NFBC also offers family memberships for $40. Family Membership includes two adults and all their children under the age of 18 living at the same address.
Still not convinced? Check out the Ride Schedule, pick a ride that's convenient for you, and show up at the starting location 30 minutes before the ride starts. Make sure you bring:
- A helmet
- A bicycle that you can safely ride at least 20 miles.
- A helmet
- Some water
- An enjoyment of cycling
Find the ride leader (the person with the clipboard), let them know you're a guest and would like to ride along with the club. If you enjoy yourself, come back here and fill out the form! If you have any other questions, make sure to check out the FAQ.
If you wish to apply via Check and Mail, please fill out our paper application here. Thank you!