Niagara Frontier Bicycle Club

The New Season is Upon Us

Posted on 3/15/2024
Author Mike de Freitas

    Our opening ride of the season, per tradition, is Sunday, March 17, also known as St. Patrick's Day. The weather is also expected to adhere to tradition. Just warm and dry enough to ride. The ride start is from Ellicott Creek Island Park parking lot on Creekside Drive at Niagara Falls Boulevard. Two short, flat rides are offered for your early season riding pleasure. We roll at 11 a.m.

    Highlights of the year to come include two new party rides, one July 13 from Mike Viggato's house in East Aurora, the other at Sandy Bunn's ranch in Eden, date TBD. Mike Maher will host his traditional Labor Day picnic at his house in Lakeview, preceded by one week by our annual club picnic at Como Lake Park. Jim Vozga has retired from his usual Memorial Day party ride but will be ride leader for the regular holiday Monday ride out of Clarence.

    We will also inaugurate a series of nine (9) weekend rides to be held jointly with our friends from the Buffalo Bicycling Club. They wanted to do more group rides and came to us as the experts. They'll offer us some new routes and we'll show BBCers what life after bike racing can be. We will also use this as an opportunity to develop some pace line discipline with groups A through D (and E if necessary) with a pace group for most everyone. Remember: the purpose of a pace line is not to drop riders but for everyone to move more efficiently. See the schedule for details on these rides starting Sunday, April 7 and throughout the season. We will be adding short versions for those who like that.

    Our Wednesday night rides, north out of Swormville and south from Chestnut Ridge Park, will also include riders from the BBC with routes curated by your regular NFBC leaders, Jason Deckert and Karen Alongi and me, Bradshaw Hovey. For NFBC members, all of these rides will be the same as before -- same sign-in, cue sheets, files on our website, after-ride socializing -- just with some new friends in attendance.

    Also on tap are a couple of rides to promote further sociability including a 2 p.m. ride on Friday, March 29 -- Good Friday; Sunday, May 5 for Cinco de Mayo to take advantage of the party there in Hamburg; and a reprise of "Bruce's Reach the Beach" at 2 p.m. Sunday June 2 as an all-club ride with an option for dinner afterward.

    It is fair for members to make requests. Peg Walker has volunteered to lead the Maple Country Ride on Saturday, April 13 with a stop for pancakes at Moore's Maple Shack and Pancake House, Galen Hill Road in Freedom, NY. We put that on the schedule. I have also heard suggestions for a renewal of the Friday night Grand Island circuit. We are open to suggestions. It's also not oo late for someone to volunteer to organize a club trip. Mike Maher and Michelle Smith put together a great one last year to Xenia, OH. You could do one too.

    Then there are all those other rides: Ride for Roswell, Empire State Ride, Hospice Gran Fondo, Ride for Missing and Exploited Children, Tour de Perry, Tour de Teddy, The Highlander, Bon Ton Roulet, East Aurora to Ellicottville, and more. Get your club kit and go represent. The NFBC team store at is still open. And Bradshaw has matching socks at the still low-low price of $6 a pair.

    2024 Ride for Roswell

    Posted on 1/16/2024
    Author Jennifer Adolf

      The Ride for Roswell will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2024, and the team page is up and running. Please consider joining team Niagara Frontier Bicycle Club (NFBC). There is no cost to participate in the 2024 Ride for Roswell, however all riders are asked to fundraise. The Ride raised critically important funds for cancer research and patient care and your fundraising helps give hope to those fighting cancer. Team NFBC riders have raised over $164,000 since we began participating in the ride. You can register by using this link.

      Bruce Jansen obit

      Posted on 12/2/2023
      Author Elizabeth Skelton

        As the year 2023 draws to a close, kindly take a moment to remember an NFBC member who passed on last month. Bruce Jansen’s club membership number was 80--yes, double digits, so he was close to being a founding member of the club. I knew Bruce since I joined the club in 1999 and we rode many many miles together. Of course by that time, Bruce already had a big head start on total mileage. Officially, he logged over 53,000 lifetime miles with the club. Personally, he logged thousands more. He just LOVED to ride, and he loved sharing his passion with other riders. Club Historian Jim Vozga told me that before my time in the club, Bruce was the organizer of some of the first club trips, notably to the Burlington, Vermont area and to the Seagull Century. Bruce told me himself about organizing a couple of club trips to Cape Cod back in the day. He was a car enthusiast and even as a kid could identify every car which rolled by his front porch. Later in life it was Bruce’s hobby to buy, collect and sell all kinds of cars. Bruce’s dad owned Jansen Saddlery on Broadway in Buffalo, which eventually branched out into making leather upholstery for high-end cars, so Bruce was exposed to lots of fancy automobiles as a kid. He also loved and owned LOTS of model cars and trains, and when I knew him, had impressive collections of both.

        Bruce was always up for a party or a road trip or an adventure. I took him on his first white water paddling experience on the Genesee River. Here’s hoping he’s having another adventure on the other side--we’ll miss you Bruce.

        Liz Skelton